PH1 World Developers Offerings Captivate Local and International Clients

PH1 World Developers is revolutionizing the industry by attracting not only local clients but also a growing number of international investors. With their approach and commitment to delivering extraordinary value, PH1 World Developers has captured the attention and trust of the Japanese investors.

With this good response from the Japanese market, PH1 World Developers participated in this 2023 Philippine Expo event held in Ueno Park Tokyo, Japan from June 9-12, 2023.

The expo attracted a diverse mix of clients such as OFW’s and Japanese locals, providing an ideal platform for showcasing PH1 World Developers’ offerings. The company set up a booth which featured a virtual reality (VR) experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the project.

PH1 World Developers showcase their innovative offerings during the event, featuring The Hive Residences, My Enso Lofts, and Modan Lofts projects, all offering extraordinary value the consumers.

PH1 World Developers will continue to disrupt the Philippine real estate industry with Megawide, the leading infrastructure company in the Philippines, with this partnership PH1WD ensures faster turnaround times, quality construction, and exceptional development.